5 Quick Tips for Locating Decision Makers

5 Quick Tips for Locating Decision Makers
In this article I will share with you some of my techniques or should I say tricks that I use to get to the decision maker.
The first technique I use is when I speak to the Secretary or Gatekeeper is that I usually say I am looking for the person who handles _______and I say that I wanted to speak to _____(the name listed on my database) and usually the Secretary or Gate keeper will either say yes that is him…..or they will say no the correct person you need to talk to is is________.
Without even realizing it they just provided me with the Decision maker’s name and I make a note of the new name. Thank the Secretary for her help and make small talk, so that she remembers you just in case you just have you to speak to her again.
The second technique is what I call Riding The Wave. This applies when you ask for a specific Department and you have no contact name. The Secretary will say she does not know who takes care of that, but she says she will send me to another
department and maybe they can help me.
That person also does not know who to send you to,and they send you to another dept and then this person often times will be able to send you to the right person or at least give you the correct contact person’s name. As this is happening, make sure you take good notes and remember to write down
everybody’s name you speak to, because those notes will come in handy later on as you build your pipeline of leads.
The third way is to leave a detailed message on the Decision maker’s voicemail or with their Secretary and if your message gets their interest, the decision maker will reach out to you…make sure you leave your contact information in your message.
The fourth way is to read your notes and tell the Gatekeeper word for word what you talked about with the decision maker in an earlier conversation. Then mention to her that you were told to follow up and call them back now.
The fifth way is to simply look on your lead and if there is an alternative number or a direct line to the decision maker call them directly; bypassing the gatekeeper altogether.
Bonus: If the Secretary or Gatekeeper puts you off and sends you to the decision maker’s voice mail. Simply listen to whose name follows the voice message and notate that in your database, and when you call back you will have the full name of the correct person who makes all of the final decisions for the company.