Business to Business (B2B) Telemarketing Training Services
Program Components
Sales training, mentoring, and coaching is vital to the success of your sales team
As a sales manager, you need to ensure that your team continually receives fresh ideas, sales tips, and inspiration. Outsourcing your sales training may be the best venue for achieving this goal. For over fifteen years, we have continually trained our marketers how to accomplish their sales goals. Let our training team show your sales force how to achieve your goals and increase your sales and revenues.
Our sales training programs can include all critical aspects including one-on-one counseling, sales mentoring, sales coaching, and group sales training sessions in person or via the internet. Let us develop a custom program based upon the following “a la carte” service menu.
You can pick and choose which services would be best for you and your team

For a more structured environment, we can provide online webinars where all participants will view an online presentation to discuss specific topics determined by company management. Online webinars typically involve all members of the sales team and are considered to be highly interactive. We believe that sales teams can learn from us, but they can also learn from each other. Our role as a facilitator encourages those interactive exchanges. We would establish a specific topic for each webinar. Our webinars include an online presentation with audio and video viewed through the Internet. The instructor will supplement lectures with a PowerPoint style presentation to visually reinforce topics. We can also provide written materials and PDFs to re-enforce specific concepts. Typically a 45 minute session followed by 15 minutes of questions and answers with your team. Goal – To provide basic foundation information for telemarketers with broad based topics (such as getting through gatekeepers, basic presentation skills, etc.).
We will establish a personal one-on-one relationship with each member of your team. That personal relationship allows us to assess the needs of each individual and work with each team member to improve their performance. Typically, we will contact each sales rep twice per week. We believe that casual conversations allow us to establish credibility while we uncover and correct specific areas of improvement.
We would establish specific topics with sessions for each topic. Information is typically presented in a morning session, an afternoon session, or an all day seminar. Goal – To provide in-depth information for sales representatives to quickly enhance their current performance.
Regular team conference calls allows us to address the issues that are most important to management and react quickly to recent events. If recent events have revealed a specific area of improvement, we can offer tips, tactics, and strategies for eliminating that problem area. Coaching calls are held weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Duration 30 to 60 minutes. Goal – To react to recent discoveries and provide insight and motivation for the team.
We can adapt content from our eBook or develop articles specifically for you. A newsletter allows you to “feature” specific sales reps and their success. Newsletters can also feature examples of other successes – such as a new client that was obtained. Produced monthly or on some other regular basis and distributed via email. Goal – To provide basic information and tips to the team, to reward strong telemarketers through recognition, and to allow weaker team members to learn from others and their successes.
A specific orientation program can be developed to bring new hires up to speed. We also recommend periodic follow through with new hires to reinforce concepts and address specific questions.
We will certainly advise management or sales teams regarding any areas of concern. Any member of your team may contact us at any time to ask a question, to determine the best course of action, or to seek individual coaching.
We’re Waiting To Help You
Get in touch with us today and let’s start transforming your business.