Common Objections

Common Objections
Common Objection: “We already have someone”
When working in the sales profession, you are always going to come up against objections. One common objection that we typically will hear is “We are already working with someone”. What is the best way to handle this objection?
We always like to start out with an opening line such as “That’s great. How are things working for you?” By acknowledging the company they are currently working with, you are letting the contact know that you were listening and understand their response. This gives you the opportunity to talk a little further.
Here are other questions I like to ask after the initial response from the prospect.
- Have you thought about having another company in place in the event your provider is unavailable?
- How is their customer service?
- If you could change anything about your present provider’s product or service, what would that be?
- If we could provide you with the same product or service at a lower rate, would you be interested to know more?
The typical response to any question in sales is going to be no. Getting past the objection can be tricky but allows for longer conversations and a better sales rapport. If you don’t get the sale the first time, name recognition and long term business relationships can be formed off of the initial sales call.
Be prepared with well thought out objections and responses. Be conversational with your tone and enjoy making your calls. The old “Smile and dial” is true. Prospects on the other end of call can hear your tone of voice and know if you really care about the sale or are just about the dials.