Common objectives encountered by our team

Common objectives encountered by our team – When you are in a sales position, there will be times when your prospective customer raises objections and provides reasons why they don’t want to buy from you or sign up for a service. Here is a poll of a few of our staff members, what objections they hear most often, and how they respond.
Donna’s most common objection: The prospect just doesn’t have the time. They say they just don’t have the time to read the fax, email, or listen to what I have to say to set an appointment, etc.
Rebuttal – I deal with this objection by informing them that it will only take a few minutes of their time and I will be as brief as possible when explaining the benefits of the service, or I would ask if I can call back at a better time.
I found that they appreciate that I am willing to call back at their time at their convenience. Offering prospective clients solutions to the time problem enables them to be more willing and open to listen to what I have to say.
Some prospective clients use the “no time” excuse as their way of saying they are just not interested. In cases such as these, there’s not much you can do you want to push them and waste their time or yours if they have their mindset from the onset. Listening to the way they talk and their attitude will give subtle signs to proceed forward or let you know they are just not interested.
Patti’s most common objection: the old “time/ money” thing, however, when somebody sees a product or service, they need bad enough they find the time AND money to hear the person out who is presenting the product.
Rebuttal: If the person allows you to run the appropriate objection by them you might get an audience. Applying an objection to a number of individuals when they’ve asked, “How could I use this?” or “How has this service helped other businesses?” has resulted in several “yes” responses to looking at a demo. LISTENING is very important.
Christopher’s Most Common Objection: Cost. “I can’t afford to spend any money right now; my budget is maxed out; No funds at the present time; your product/services are too expensive.”

Rebuttal: “What is most important to you? Budget or performance? We understand how important the dollar is and want to give you the most for your money. Give me just a few minutes of your time to show you what I have to offer. If at the end of our conversation, you are still not interested, we can certainly accept that and will thank you for your time.”
Always reply to the objection with a question. It does not matter what the objection is.
For example Objection – “We are using another company for services” Rebuttal – “How is your service working for you and what would you change if you could?”; Objection – “We are under a contract.”
Rebuttal- “How is that working for you? When does your contract expire or come up for review? We would love to get information to you on our service/products to give you the opportunity to do a comparison. We want you to get the most for your money.”
Rich Enterprises Inc has been providing marketing programs since 1999. We offer boutique-style marketing programs. We know every business is unique and needs a marketing program to match – no cookie-cutter approach here!
Let us help with your next marketing program which will include a program outline with common objections and the best rebuttals to get past that objection.
Contact us to hear more (888) 443-5247