Condensing Scripting For Busy Prospects

Condensing Scripting For Busy Prospects
What to do when your prospects appear to be interested, but do not have the time to visit with you about your product or service?
Procrastination – rocrastination in telemarketing by a prospective client is a big disappointment when you think you have sparked an interest. You get a smile on your face and you just know you are getting an appointment or a sale. All of the sudden they say, “Can you call me back tomorrow or next week, I am right in the middle of something? I just don’t have time to visit with you right now”. As a B2B telemarketer, you can feel your enthusiasm diminish quickly in a situation like this. You feel the call ending and your hopes of getting the appointment or sale for today is gone.
Pros to Procrastination – The good thing about a situation like this is you can use this scenario to determine the interest level of your prospective client. Be sure to keep your enthusiasm level going. Ask yourself have you sparked enough interest to be able to call back and get the appointment or sale? Is your contact really interested in your product or service or are they saying “no” to you by using the procrastination approach. Remember the decision maker has already told you he doesn’t have time to visit with you. You must establish and determine the interest level quickly.
Sense of Urgency – The sense of urgency is the supreme motivator for anyone wanting to get something done. You can consider urgency as a tool that you can use it to promote something, get an appointment and ultimately get the sale. Whatever the case, the urgency is a secret weapon of all successful people. If we feel a deep sense of urgency, our emotions are high, which causes some forceful action. It is only through this action that we make progress. It is definitely a two-way street. The cold caller or telemarketer has to develop an urgent action that requires a positive response. The prospective client must respond with a positive action as the result. Be sure to get some type of positive action from the prospective client.
Prospective Client: I am interested in learning more I just don’t have time to talk further today.
Telemarketer: Mr. Smith since you are interested and it sounds like you know the importance of checking products and services out that can help your company (state specific industry), I want you to have all of the necessary information you need regarding this (product/service) and how others in your industry are benefiting. May I send you information and follow up to answer your specific questions? What is your email? What day and time is good to check back with you? Tell the prospective client you want to notate your calendar. Give them two choices. Ask them, Will Tuesday of this week at 2:00 p.m. be okay or would Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. be better?
More importantly, choose a follow up date as soon as possible after the initial call. By using this approach you are creating a sense of urgency. You will also know if you have properly established interest level.
Cons to Procrastination – If you have not initially developed an interest with your prospective client, procrastination can be a bad thing. If you have not established enough interest, the decision maker may choose to use procrastination as a soft “no” and you will find you have lost the appointment or sale before you get a chance to complete your presentation. Immediate emotional reaction is the jet fuel driving sales and performance. If a person can believe that there is always tomorrow then procrastination gets an ugly grip on the situation. Never settle for tomorrow; do what you can today. It is always important to establish and determine interest levels.
Developing Sense of Urgency – Developing the sense of urgency in the customer is not as simple as many would like it to be. You must put yourself in their place. Once you are in their shoes you have to decide the key motivators to give them the sense of urgency to influence them to set the appointment or buy your product. To do this, you must establish a sense of urgency. You will find without developing a sense of urgency and establishing an emotional connection, your results will be minimal.
The need for urgency in life is the single greatest force behind all success.