Contact List Ownership – who is the owner of the new data?

Contact List Ownership   – There are several factors involved in starting a marketing program. One of the first things you will need to address is what criteria will be used for establishing your contact list.

The contact list is very important to a successful campaign since it will provide you with viable prospects. Who provides the calling list? As part of our marketing package, Rich Enterprises can provide the calling list based on several factors.

The criteria we use in providing a list is:

  • SIC codes-Standard Industrial Classification. This is a government system for classifying industries by a four-digit code. For example: If you are seeking to target manufacturers-you can pull a list based on codes- 20-39.
  • Industry description
  • City
  • State
  • County
  • Number of Employees

Some businesses like to provide their own calling list since it might be one they have harvested over the years. Some of our clients also like to collect special contacts or Wish lists while we are working a campaign for them. A wish list is usually a fun challenge for the team since it specialized and a top goal for the team.

Once a campaign has been completed, who owns the contact list?

If clients of Rich Enterprises provide the calling list, they will typically get their contact list returned once a marketing campaign has come to an end.

If Rich Enterprises provides the calling list, we will generally provide our client a copy of the database or a complete set of special reports at the end of the marketing campaign and therefore we would be the owners of the initial list.

There are so many factors that go into a great calling list. Even more specifically, we can pull a list based on other factors such as:

  • Revenue
  • Status
  • Years in business
  • Square footage

If you need help with cold calling, lead generation or selecting the best contact list for your market, contact us at (888) 443-5247 or

About Rich Enterprises, Inc.

Since 1999, we have helped business across the USA and Canada reach their sales goals. We offer a suite of lead generation, telemarketing and inside sales services, that delivers the magic recipe to ensure your success!

Tracy Rumsey

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