Flexibility and style in telemarketing

How often does a telemarketer call you talking so fast he or she won’t let you get a word in edgewise? What is your reaction? Most of us hang up because the caller sounds like a recording and we immediately label the caller as a telemarketer that is calling to sell something. If you call a prospect and you are using a scripted sales presentation without interactive flexibility and personal style, it just shows you have no interest in that person because you are not letting them interact. You are talking at them – not with them. It is very important to use your own personal style and develop interactive flexibility when you are trying to sell any product or service. The most powerful tool in sales is to remember that the person asking the questions is the person in control. You can lead the call anywhere you want to by using your own personal style to create a good impression and by asking the right questions. It is important to get the conversation going with a question as early as possible to encourage dialogue. My favorite approach to begin a conversation is to identify myself by first name. Just as soon as I identify what company I am with; my first opening question is “Have you heard of us?” This is a good approach because even if they are familiar your company- it is a good beginning to an open conversation. Continue the conversation by asking the question, “Have you had the opportunity to utilize our services?” If they are using another company – begin asking questions about their current service and how that may compare with the services your company offers. |