Idle Time For Sales Reps

Idle Time For Sales Reps
Managing a sales team is a tough job because sales people come in all varieties. You have the ideal sales person that comes to work on time, does all of their assigned and un- assigned work and exceeds daily/monthly expectations; but you might also have the sales person that always seems to have idle time on their hands. You might find them playing on their computer, making personal calls, texting, or wasting time to make it a day. How can you utilize their services to prevent this from happening?
1.Calls. Know what time of the year ans where you are in the sales cycle. Whether it is the dead of summer or holiday time, there are always calls to be made. Pull up lead lists past and present to give to sales reps that seem to be caught up on work. Rejuvenate old leads. Summer months can be slow for some and the ideal time to catch up on contacts.
2.Marketing Materials. Have the sales team review present marketing materials to determine what changes could be made to boost sales. Think outside the box. If you are selling to a movie theater, flyers/advertising on movie tickets would be an eye pleaser and one that is remembered. The sales team that is out in the field would be a great reference to what works and what doesn’t.
3.Newsletter. If you do not have a newsletter in place, think about adding one for your business. Utilize sales reps that are available to write articles. Newsletters are inexpensive way to bring your business and clients up to date on news and products or services as well as boost exposure for your business.
4.Blogs. Many businesses are using blogs to build their business. Have multiple guest writers available for your blog. This will allow the readers multiple reading styles of similar sales subjects.
Keep your sales team busy with tasks that generally seem to be put on the back burner due to lack of time for management. Designate tasks by skill set to sales reps that seem to need a little extra work to keep them busy. By delegating extra duties to sales reps, you will reduce your work load and help the sales rep remain part of the sales team.