Is social networking for you and your business?

Have you hooked up with Facebook or Twitter for your business? Many businesses are joining the networking sites for everything from reaching out to the talented professional to product and services promotion. Would joining the social networking sites be good for your business?
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is your product or service one that can be promoted through social sites?
- Would you benefit from virtually free exposure within social networks?
- Social marketing blends well with other lead generation strategies. If you need help with outbound cold calling and lead generation, please contact us.
- Studies have shown that firms that use external social networks see a boost in traffic compared to companies that don’t. Here at Rich Enterprises – we have not elected to use social networking since our business is B2B telemarketing, outsourced inside sales, and cold calling; the social networks are just not a good fit for us for finding new business prospects. Make sure, based on your business model and current needs that social networking is a fit for you and your business.