Leaving Effective Voice Mails for Cold Calling

The key to leaving effective voice mails for cold calling is to be brief and get to the point of the message. I was always told brevity is the key to success.
What should you leave in a voicemail message?
1. Company name
2. Contact name
3. Phone number
4. Purpose for the call
Leaving effective voicemails for cold calling is an opportunity for marketing. Take the time to prepare messages that will entice the recipient and will encourage a return call. What kind of messages can you leave for your prospects?
Here are a few sample voicemails:
Sample #1
Hi Bob this is Tracy with Rich Enterprises, just wanted to reach out to you to see if you might have time to meet with me this week to go over a new marketing program. Contact me at your earliest convenience at 555-555-1212.
Sample #2
Hi Sherrie, this is Tracy with Rich IT Services. Just want to contact you to see if you have seen our new software program that will automate your security system. Give me a call at your earliest opportunity to talk about it 555-555-1212.
Sample #3
Hello Jerry! This is Tracy with Jones Electric. Just wanted to contact you to let you know we are offering free energy surveys in your area this week. Please contact me at your earliest convenience at 555-555-1212.
Final Voicemail Tips

Don’t forget to remember the tone of your voice when leaving voicemails. Take the time to leave a professional, well-versed message with contact information. All stages of marketing require preparation.
Prepare your voicemail script in advance to increase odds of return calls and future business prospects which will boost sales and increase revenue.
Get Started With Rich Enterprises
Rich Enterprises Inc has a variety of marketing packages that meets the needs of all commercial businesses. All packages start with a program outline that includes: calling script, voicemail script, email script and email confirmation script as well as common rebuttals and objections. Let us prepare your next marketing campaign! Call us today at (888)-443-5247 or schedule a time to speak with one of our experts.