Optimum Calling Hours Increase Results

Optimum Calling Hours Increase Results
I have been in telemarketing sales for over 15 years. I have considered four categories to reach an optimum calling time for best results in my sales efforts.
- Industry Type
- Profession
- Day of Week
- Time of Day
I am going to start out to say there are exceptions to every rule. You will be able to determine exceptions as you read the four categories listed.
Professions should be considered in cold calling time schedules. Some professional types come in early and leave early. Some examples of this include technology directors, facility maintenance directors and teachers.
Industry Type
Restaurants are at their busiest from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. I have experienced with restaurants this time of day is not a good time to cold call to make a sale. It can be a good time for a quick screening to determine interest level.
Restaurant owners are more likely to be at the business during the lunch hours. However, a call back time will need to be scheduled to have enough time to qualify the lead. Schools should be called before 3:00 p.m. and many retail businesses do not open before 10:00 a.m.
Day Of Week
Mondays can be a least favorite day for cold calling because many companies have Monday meetings and people are adjusting to the routine of work. Tuesdays are not much better and can even be worse than Mondays because businesses are busy getting the week started with their action plans.
Businesses seem to be more receptive on Wednesdays and Thursdays simply because it’s mid week. Fridays can be unpredictable. I have had good responses in cold calling and I have called on Fridays unable to reach my contacts. Many years ago in my profession of telesales, I won a team contest by calling restaurant owners during all times of the day on a Friday.
The key of success here is not just the day of the week but industry type. The restaurant owners are more likely to be at the restaurant on Fridays getting ready for the busiest time of the week- Saturday and Sunday.
Time Of Day
I think the best time to reach a contact would be 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The morning time listed is good because the day is just beginning and the contact may be available.
The afternoon time listed may be good because the day is winding down and you might find the contact at their desk. Remember there are exceptions to every rule.
Cold calling is important for each day of the week for successful cultivation of leads. When I schedule my calling time for optimum results I consider all four of these categories. Cold calling is a numbers game. However, with better planning optimum results can be achieved.