Sales Calls – Keep your contact regular!


Sales is all about persistence and timing.   If you want your new prospects to become clients, you must be ready to approach them – but only when they are ready.

Be persistent.   If you contact them routinely, you will be able to develop a business rapport and learn more about their needs over time.   There is a fine line between persistent and pesky, so follow their lead in timing your sales calls.  Ask them when would be a good time to follow up and follow their instructions.

If you continue to be persistent and follow their timeline, eventually they will be ready to make a purchase – but only when they have the budget and the time is right.   Sales is all about timing – so be ready when your prospects are ready.

We offer many programs to fit most industries. Give us a call to start a marketing program that has perfect timing!! (888)443-5247.

About Rich Enterprises, Inc.

Since 1999, we have helped business across the USA and Canada reach their sales goals. We offer a suite of lead generation, telemarketing and inside sales services, that delivers the magic recipe to ensure your success!


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