Sales Tips Building Rapport

Sales Tips – Building Rapport is essential to closing the sale.
In sales, building rapport is the start of building a business relationship. How can you build rapport? Always, always do exactly what you state you will do. If you tell a prospect that you will call them back on Tuesday, make sure you have a scheduled call for Tuesday. Even if the contact is unavailable and you leave a voicemail for them, you have completed your task by contacting them on the appropriate date.
While making sales calls and you are asked a question that you cannot answer, tell the truth. Let the prospect know “That is a great question and I will find out the answer for you and get back with you”. Letting prospects know you are human and don’t have all the answers, helps them connect with you and builds rapport.
If you need help starting marketing connections with future business prospects, building rapport to nurture sales leads, or building business relationships-contact us at