Telemarketing to busy executives

Telemarketing to busy executives
When calling potential customers, always respect their time and never push too hard. Use the person’s name in your greeting and while you’re speaking with them to catch their attention.
Keep your phone call short and simple and no more than five to ten minutes in length. Most importantly, in a very short time frame, you will need to convince them that they need your product or service and at the same time determine their interest level.
You have called them more than once and each time your potential customers say they are busy. You thought they had interest and you now wonder why they are always busy when you call.
- They may not see benefit of your product or service because they already have a similar product or service. The response “I am busy” may be a way to get you off of the phone. It is important to try to determine their interest level.
- Make sure you have a mini script available. Acknowledge to them you know they are busy and you promise to be very brief. State the reason for your call (i.e. state what your company specializes in). Let them know you would value their opinion on a few questions and that you have called them before and it was an inopportune time for them the last time you called.
- Ask them if they would be comfortable with sparing just a few minutes? This will allow you time to outline some of the benefits of your product and service by asking questions about what they are currently using. If they say “no” it is not a good time, then try to get a better time to call and re-emphasize they will be pleased to find out the advantages your company can offer them. (Always try to get their email address and a direct phone number).
- They may be busy and you have called at a bad time. The key here is quickly get their interest by stating some key points about your product or service that you would like to discuss with them and determine a better time to call. Try to determine their interest level by saying I know you will be interested in the difference our product or service can make to your company and I would value your opinion. May I get a better time to contact you. (Always try to get their email address and a good contact number)
- If they say they are “not interested” re-emphasize you know they are busy and if they could spare just a few minutes, you would value their opinion. If they still say “no” try find out why and ask if you call follow-up with them in the future. (Always try to get their email address and a good contact number.
Telemarketers need to determine interest level in every situation. The interest level of a prospect will help telemarketers determine if potential customers understand the benefits and advantages of their product or service and if they will be able to make the sale.