Tools for follow-up calls

Tools for follow-up calls
In past articles I have discussed how to perform follow up emails and faxes, but now I will touch base on how to have successful follow up calls. Schedule your follow up call after you’ve sent the follow up email or fax.
Here are a few tips for follow-up calls:
- Timing of the first follow-up call-When is the best time to make the first follow up call? In general, it is a good idea to give the clients at least two business days to go over the information before doing a follow up call. Not everyone reads their emails or checks their faxes right away, so be sure to give them ample time to review.
- Accommodate your clients schedule– Some clients have unique schedules and are able to accommodate meetings or calls on some days and not others. Always inquire on the best days for follow-up.
- Follow up attempts – As in anything to do with business, there are business etiquette with follow up calls. How often she we try to reach clients for follow-up and when is too much? My rule of thumb is to try to reach the prospect for follow-up 2 business days after the first contact and then inquire on better times to call or try again in 1 week, then 3 weeks out. The attempts can be a combination of phone and email attempts. After I have reached out to a contact with 5 separate attempts, I retire the contact as exhausted. Calling daily is the quick way to agitate your potential clients and make them less than eager to work with you.
Follow -up calls are a great way to build rapport with contacts. Maybe they are not ready to do business today but continual touches after your initial call will give clients confidence you know your business and would be a good company to work with.