Top 3 old school sales lines used in cold calling

Everyone starts a call with a conversation starter. Some sales people like to use the same old sales pick up lines.
Here are the top 3 that we often hear:
1. “This is not a sales pitch”. It is really unnecessary to start a conversation with something that is not quite the truth. Often sales people think they need a line to break the ice but it is better to tell the truth than say something that neither you nor the prospects believe.
2. “I am not calling to sell you anything”. This is another opening line that makes no sense. It you are not calling to sell someone something, than why bother with the call. Start with something about why you are calling instead of what you are not doing. For example: ” I am calling to talk with you about a new service that was just offered in your area”
3. “I was thinking about you and thought I would give you a call”. Chances are that you do not know your prospect well enough to think about them outside of sales. Say something such as “I thought about your business and how you could use our new product or service. It will make your job easier and save you money”
When putting together a script or talking points for cold calling, think of yourself on the other end of the call. What would make you want to stay on the line with a salesman?
Rich Enterprises Inc provides complete marketing programs that include sample scripts with great opening lines, objections and rebuttals and title targets to reach within that industry.
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