Using web presence to increase sale closing rates

Using web presence to increase sale closing rates
Conversion rates refer to the percentage of web visitors who perform a task such as completing a sales transaction or filling out a form. Conversion is an essential part of a customer system which businesses can use to track and acquire clients or customers by using their website traffic.
Most web sites have a conversion rate of 0.5 % or less. Web sites with a conversion rate of 2% are considered good. By determining a conversion strategy and online marketing plan, your website conversion rates can be increased to 5% or higher.
How do I increase conversation rates?Here are a few helpful tips:
- Personalize your website. Add a photo of yourself to make the visitor of your site feel like they know you. People are more likely to frequent a site that gives a personal touch.
- Promotions. Offer a free gift or an e-book to your visitor. Your gift should be related to your site. For example: If you are a site that offers flowers, offer an ebook on how to purchase the best flowers on line.
- Offer a Guarantee. If you are offering services or products, guarantee money back if they are not completely satisfied. People are more likely to visit a site that they feel is honest and willing to back their product/service.
- Newsletter. Start a quarterly newsletter. This will keep readers coming back to your site to see what you are up to. This will keep them up to speed on new products and services offered by your company.
- Safety. Make sure your visitor feels confident with the website. Shipping procedures and privacy issues are a major concern for shoppers who frequently make purchases on line. Display security certifications and guarantees throughout the checkout process.
- Make your site user friendly. Visitors will enjoy using a site that is simple and easy to use. Provide site keys/buttons for easy access. Try Search Engine Optimization software (SEO) to get your site out on the web with the different search engines.
The bottom line is conversion is related to helping people. If you are changing your site to assist visitors ease in using your website, your conversion rates will boost on their own. Always look for ways to make your site more appealing and user friendly.
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