Voice mail and telemarketing

Voice mail and telemarketing – Leaving a voicemail is not challenging, but leaving one that piques someone’s interest enough to return your call is something entirely different. In B2B telemarketing and cold calling, a strong effective voice mail increases the likelihood of returns calls – which ultimately increases your odds of getting sales leads and qualified sales appointments.
Before you make any cold calls, prepare a sample voicemail script that gives the topic of your cold call, your contact information, and most importantly how your product or service would benefit their business. If you are offering a special rate or free evaluation, mention this in your message.
Always be brief, concise, and to the point. Practice your voice tone and presentation. Watch yourself in the mirror and record sample voicemails of your message to hear what contacts would hear when receiving your message. Remember the more messages your leave, the more comfortable and effective you will become.
Rich Enterprises Inc has been providing custom marketing programs since 1999.
Our marketing packages can include:
Custom program outline with client goals and direction
Geographical data
Employee count
Custom sample call scripts
Custom sample email appointment confirmation scripts
Custom sample email scripts
Custom sample voicemail scripts
Common objections and rebuttals
Contact lists based on geographical factors, industry type, and employee count
Complete setup – no hidden fees!
Complete training for the marketing team assigned to the account
What’s your marketing voicemail message for 2022? Let us help you get off to a great start for 2022!
Contact us to get started! (888) 443-5247.