Year End Sales Analysis
2020 is half way over and in full swing for most Companies. Let’s find ways to either improve or maintain your current marketing initiatives. Zero in on the number of clients that you obtained through each promotional campaign from past efforts. The goal is to determine the effectiveness of each campaign overall and its conversion rate. Calculate the cost per lead and weigh out the output to input ratio. Evaluate your conversion rate. As an example, if you marketed to 100 customers and 10 of them became clients, this is a good base to have in a campaign that you are running. Let’s face it, 1 sale out of every ten contacts can be an ideal number – depending on the type of campaign. Aim for a high conversion rate so that your program can be effective. Create your budget for month to month or annually. It is important to create a graph of types of marketing for promotion as well with related cost (ex: direct mail, publicity, newsletter service, etc). If you found that you struggled certain weeks of the year, consider adding new listings and new industries. Some low-cost ways to market can be done though SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – this marketing improves the volume of search to a website through a natural search. Develop an electronic mailing system (ex: an e-newsletter). Boost your companies’ profile at a tradeshow or conference. Attend meetings of professional groups and try to become actively involved in 3 or 4. With this exposure, you can also offer a free no obligation consultations. Often times, implementing low-cost marketing strategies can bring the best results. Utilize them to their maximum potential. Upon reviewing your End of year summary of reports and tracking of all costs, find out what you can eliminate from your program and incorporate to save money and bring volume to your business to complete the year. Not all things have to break the bank. Bring in new marketing ideas to finish out 2020. Rich Enterprises Inc offers a variety of marketing programs that help most industries. Let us help make your 2021 your best year! Contact us to learn how we can help with your sales goals. |