Appointment Setting Scripts That Work

Appointment Setting Scripts That Work: Should you leave a voicemail?
With most of our telemarketing and outbound calling programs, we will leave a voicemail for our prospects if we are not successful in reaching that person. Often, we find that our voice mail messages serve two purposes:
Voicemail message can be used to introduce your company name and offering. During subsequent rounds of calling, the prospects are more likely to recognize the name of the company and much more receptive to receiving that call.
Voicemail messages are often stored for later use – even though the prospect does not immediately respond. For example, we left a message on behalf of our HVAC client a few weeks ago. That same prospect returned our call today and was ready to talk further.
In developing any outbound script or program, you must consider how voice mail can yield positive results and should strive to create a voicemail script that is short, but yet highly effective.