Basics for follow-up sales calls

Basics for follow-up sales calls – You might think that follow-up calls are not rocket science but you would be surprised how many people don’t know how to make them or the best time for making productive follow-up calls.
Reach out to previously contacted prospects within 2 business days of first contact whether this is by phone, email, or in person. Leave voicemails when you are unable to reach your contact. Make sure your voicemail reflects the last conversation. If you talked about locating a particular product or service for them, refer to that information in your voicemail. A good business rule of thumb for voicemails is to leave one message every first, third, and fifth/final attempt. Frequent voicemails can agitate the prospect and leave them less than eager to work with you and your company in the future.
Basics for follow-up sales calls – Provide an email address as a means to return your call. Sometimes people that have a need for your services are more likely to reach out via email since they can do that at their leisure and after business hours. We have clients that send emails to us daily at midnight. Every business owner keeps different hours trying to maintain the day-to-day business and then the accounting side when they get a chance to get to it.
Every marketing program starts with a complete plan for success. Rich Enterprises Inc has a custom marketing program for every commercial business.
Our marketing program preparation includes:
- Program goals
- Approach
- Sample scripts – call, email, voicemail, and email confirmation
- Contact list based on geography and SICs
- Common objections and rebuttals
We know every business is unique and needs a marketing program created just for your business. No cookie-cutter approach here!
Let us know if we can help with your follow-up sales calls! (888) 443-5247.

Basics for follow-up sales calls