B2B Lead Generation

Training, Tips, Tools & Resources

Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.

  • Analyzing the daily reports - Most marketing service providers produce a detailed daily call report that is used for keeping track of results and outcomes of recent contacts with companies. The call report is a daily log that reflects performance and results and can be used as a tool to assist the client in reviewing ...

  • When faced with composing a newsletter, some business owners believe they don't have anything unique to say. They get writer's block when they stare at a blank screen. They feel an e-newsletter has to be substantial and formal, but every business owner has something to say. It's just the first page of the newsletter article ...

  • Sales projections are an integral part of the success of your business. Putting a sales projection in place will help business owners plan for growth. This article will highlight the importance of sales projections. Research your product or service so that you can make a comprehensive projection for your business. Some things you may need ...

  • Do you provide robot sales? - Some businesses have found ways to automate their sales process with auto responders, recorded voicemails, email templates and other robotic type sales processes. In my own personal sales, I have noticed a change in response from contacts where I either send personal, brief messages via email or leave quick ...

  • Initial Conversation with your prospects     Rich Enterprises Inc specializes in making great first impressions for your business. We are the forefront to building your sales pipeline. No matter what industry your business is in, great first impressions are the key to long term business relationships.   Every marketing company has their own "style ...

  • Scripts that work - Script writing is tough to do unless you have experience making sales calls. How can you create effective, working scripts? First - put together lists of questions that make this prospect viable.  These are questions that allow you to create dialogue and learn about the prospects pain points. Open make your ...

  • First impressions are everything - You never get a second chance to make a great first impression.   In any business that involves cold calling or sales, the first impression determines if you are able to move forward.    When cold calling you have only a matter of seconds to get your prospect’s attention.   Here are some ...

  • Cold calling is not about making the sale. It is about getting the chance to make the sale. The purpose of the cold call is to set an appointment to make a pitch to sell. Cold calling tips will help you increase your B2B cold calling efforts. Make sure you have the right audience when ...

  • Standing Out in a Crowd - Nothing is more annoying to me than to call a business and always reach a voicemail or find out that no operator is available to assist. Businesses today have to find ways to stand out in a crowd. The best way to create a specialization in your industry is ...

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