B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Scripts that work - Script writing is tough to do unless you have experience making sales calls. How can you create effective, working scripts? First - put together lists of questions that make this prospect viable. These are questions that allow you to create dialogue and learn about the prospects pain points. Open make your ...
First impressions are everything - You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. In any business that involves cold calling or sales, the first impression determines if you are able to move forward. When cold calling you have only a matter of seconds to get your prospect’s attention. Here are some ...
Cold calling is not about making the sale. It is about getting the chance to make the sale. The purpose of the cold call is to set an appointment to make a pitch to sell. Cold calling tips will help you increase your B2B cold calling efforts. Make sure you have the right audience when ...
Standing Out in a Crowd - Nothing is more annoying to me than to call a business and always reach a voicemail or find out that no operator is available to assist. Businesses today have to find ways to stand out in a crowd. The best way to create a specialization in your industry is ...
Excellence is not an event - You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence is not an event – it is a habit. (Aristotle) I stumbled upon this quotation today. After reading it, I stopped for a moment to ponder this quote in relationship to our sales, business, and cold calling activities. When you have been ...
Cold calling qualifications - Cold calling can be a very tough job, but as they say “Someone has to do it”. But you should want the most qualified someone. Below are just a few of the skills that we look for in our cold calling team: Years of experience – Each member of our team ...
Age and Sales Calls - Have you ever heard the saying” You cannot teach an old dog new tricks?” Since I manage a team of marketing professionals, I see many different working styles. I work with a team of marketers that are between the ages of 35-75. The seasoned generation of marketers have their way ...
Surround yourself with good people - Surrounding yourself with good people is key to business growth. As a business grows, the number of people within the company increases, but more importantly; the skill set of those people within the company should improve to meet the evolving demands of customers and the company as a whole. ...
Every sales person has their own style when it comes to sales. What works for some people may not work for others. Here are a few motivational tips that I like to use: Trust your instincts - Use your intuition when it comes to sales. When you are internally directed, you have the confidence ...