Cold calling gatekeeper tactics

Cold calling gatekeeper tactics – What is the best way to handle a tough gatekeeper when you are making sales calls? Rich Enterprises has some of the best, most professional marketers working for us and each of them have insider secrets and tactics that make them successful at their job. We have found that the best way to handle a tough gatekeeper is to befriend them. Gatekeepers have a tough job to do and they should not be considered your enemy, but rather you should befriend them when you are making telemarketing calls.
Cold calling gatekeeper tactics – When you make sales calls and reach a gatekeeper, make note of their name and your conversation with them. If you spoke about the weather, the recent ballgame, or the upcoming holiday, notate it for future callbacks. This helps the marketer build rapport with the person that is the bridge/connection to the decision-maker.
What are your favorite tactics for reaching a gatekeeper?
Our marketing team would be glad to help you get to the decision-maker. Contact us to start your next program at (888) 443-5247.