Importance of Sales Mentoring

Importance of Sales Mentoring
Even the most seasoned salesman needs guidance or mentoring. We all have a tendency to acquire advice or techniques from friends, family and acquaintances but when you work in a specific industry such as sales, you need to locate a mentor or coach that can truly guide you in the right path.
What is a Mentor?
A mentor is going to be someone that has years of business experience in some or many industries and someone you would consider to be a trusted confidante. Their skills might include teacher, banker or consultant. A mentor is also someone that wants to give back to their community and is able to provide services to you on an on-going basis.
Why would I use a mentor?
Advice- As a business owner, everyone one needs a good listener that can tell you your idea is outstanding or it will never work. Advice from a business standpoint is priceless.
Relationships– A mentor is in this type of arrangement for the long term business relationship. It is a mutual one where they learn from you and in turn provide you with wisdom.
Experience- It may be that your mentor is not in your industry but can share business experience that might include successes and mistakes that could have been avoided had they consulted with an outsider. True life experience is priceless.
Networking- The mentor you choose should be an experienced businessperson and typically will have an extensive network. Using your mentor’s contacts will open doors for you that generally would not be accessible without an inside contact.
Should I choose a training/coaching company?
If you are seeking more than a personal mentor-the next step is to locate a company that can provide coaching services to your company or your sales team. Rich Enterprises is offering coaching services. Contact us for more details.
The benefits to working with a mentor/coaching company are vast while the risk factor is almost non-existent. Companies put themselves in a win-win situation by using a mentor or coaching company. Every entrepreneur should have a mentor while every sales person should have a coach.