Leaving Messages When Telemarketing

reaching decision makers

Leaving Messages When Telemarketing

There is one important rule to remember above any rule: If you leave a message, you must give your prospect a reason to call you back.

Every message you leave must grab the prospect’s attention. If you leave more than one message with the same prospect, you will need a follow up message that will be different from the first message.

You will need to create a compelling message. To create strong messages, you must know the benefit and values of your product or service. Your messages should reflect some of these and if you leave more than one message, the second message should include a different benefit and value.

Keep voice mail messages short and simple. A good voice mail should be about 30 to 45 seconds. It is important to focus on what you can do to help your prospect become better, resolve problems, save time and money to make their job easier.

Repeat important information twice. For example, say your name and telephone number at least twice- once at the beginning of the message and once at the end. Spell your name.

Speak slowing and clearly. Slow down when you spell your name and give your telephone number. This will encourage your prospect to write down your information. Include a time you can be reached for a return call.

You will want to take control by telling your prospect in your message you will call back if you don’t hear from them. Document what tactic is working.

The number of return calls will show what approaches work and what does not. Be willing to test as many times as necessary to find the message that works best for you.Leaving effective messages will increase your sales.

About Rich Enterprises, Inc.

Since 1999, we have helped business across the USA and Canada reach their sales goals. We offer a suite of lead generation, telemarketing and inside sales services, that delivers the magic recipe to ensure your success!

Melissa Landis

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