Sales Baby Steps

By taking the correct baby steps towards new sales, you will be able to make major strides towards growing your business:
Know your footprint – Know what market your company best serves in terms of geographic, company size, and type of business.
Best foot forward – Make certain that your initial approach makes a strong impression. Create strong marketing materials that present your company well.
One step at a time – Never expect or demand a one call close. Start by introducing your services, educating your prospect, and then at some point, a mutual agreement to move forward.
Adjust your pace – Work with your prospect’s timeline. Your prospect will tell you if you need to saunter, trot, or sprint.
Jump in with both feet – Once you seal the deal, be ready to meet their needs and demands. The sales process may be over, but the tough part can often be keeping those new clients happy.
Remember – making major strides towards new sales begins with strategic baby steps.