Build a Sales Pipeline Through Telemarketing

Build a Sales Pipeline Through Telemarketing Can you use telemarketing to build your sales pipeline? We have provided comparison for two approaches on adding new prospects to your pipeline: 1. B2B – In Person Approach: Most people think it is much better to influence a prospect with an in-person meeting. Face- to-face contact in sales goes a long way since its more difficult to cancel an in person meeting. If you have a phone meeting, it’s easy to ignore a call or let the caller go to voicemail. However, sales is about finding the company that wants to buy and that can be difficult doing all the harvesting work in person. The process for in person appointments will always involve leaving your office, driving to a physical location to meet with business owners and spending time waiting for someone to be available or knocking on doors. After spending time traveling, waiting for an available prospect and presenting to a prospective client, your outcome may leave you without a sale but increasing your expenses by using the in-person approach. At the end of the day using an in person approach, you are exhausted and have not added any prospects to your sales pipeline. 2. B2B – Telemarketing Approach: Prospecting by telephone is a numbers game. However, it is by far the most cost-effective approach to building your sales pipeline. Telemarketing is productive and an efficient approach to increasing your pipeline with qualified prospects resulting in more sales. If you physically visit companies, you might see 10 to 20 people in two hours depending on the sales territory and their availability. Tele-prospecting or contacting businesses via phone could yield 60 prospects or more in a two-hour period. Telemarketing allows you to screen and determine the level of interest of your prospects and allow you to set quality in person appointments, which are most likely to turn into sales. If you use a telemarketing company, the numbers of quality leads increases depending on the number of telemarketers prospecting leads for your company. Telemarketing enables your pipeline to grow faster with more quality leads. Businesses will see a much higher increase in sales when adding quality leads to the sales pipeline. Success is achieved by building your business using telemarketing to get prospects into your pipeline. How do you build your pipeline? Rich Enterprises provides B2B marketing services to help commercial business add new qualified prospects to their sales pipeline. Check us out: |