Top mistakes made on sales calls

All sales people make mistakes while making that dreaded cold call. Here are my top 5 that I encounter as a Program Manager:
- Fly by – Many marketers are in such a hurry to make the call and get on to the nextcall that they fail to take time talking with the prospect. The call is so fast -I call it a fly by.
- The talker – It is great to have a friendly personality but it is important to know when to talk and when to listen. Listening is a skill most people don’t use to their advantage.
- Objections – Failing to prepare for calls by having rehearsed or planned rebuttals to common objections can result in a loss in sales. Many sales are lost due to poor self-preparation. Have prepared talking points to keep the conversation flowing.
- Purpose – Define the purpose of the call. Are you calling to introduce products or services (lead generation) or are you setting appointments? Know the end purpose of your efforts.
- Action – The last thing a prospect hears from a salesman should be the final call to action. Set up an exact time for follow-up or a deadline to complete the next task. If the prospect has asked questions and you don’t have the answers, be honest with your prospect and let them know you don’t know the answer but will gladly find out and get back with them at a designated time.

Even seasoned sales professionals find themselves in a position where they could have been more prepared while making sales calls. Take the time to plan out your next marketing program or let Rich Enterprises Inc – Industry Specialists handle your next successful marketing program. We are gearing up for a busy summer! Call us to get started (888) 443-5247 or Online Calendar – Schedule time to talk