Using Promotional Items
Using Promotional Items
When you are in business, your number one priority job is to promote your business and the product or service that you would like to introduce to your client base.
Advertising is an important tool when you think about promotion of your business. You have to find your niche…and then you start to setup some sort of ad campaign. There are several ways you can start…but if you are like most small businesses, budget is always a concern. I like to start with marketing activities that do not cost to much. You want to build recognition for your company name, your logo, if needed, and what you have to offer to your customers.
One method for marketing is promotional products. Below are a few examples of promotional items to promote your new business:
1. Advertising on restaurant place mats or create advertising fliers.
2. Use Match Book Covers.…Advertise your business to a captive audience-use them as a giveaway…contact Hotels or Condos and leave them at the front desk or in the lobby area.
3. local Super Markets ….Talk to store mgr see if you can leave your advertisement with every checkout stand or on their bulletin board so customers may use impulse buying while they are paying for their food or while they are shopping.
4. T-shirts…You can contact local high school counselors or coaches offering t-shirts as prizes for winning school events. Donate T-shirts for choir members, track team ,softball team etc. Each should contain a logo or advertisement for your business. Or you can supply free baseball style caps each containing your company Logo.
5. Sponsor a little league sports team… the teams uniforms and have an advertisement on the back of the uniforms. This way you will create a good image for your business while also being a role model for the local youth in your community.
6. Create a Website or a Blog……most are inexpensive or are totally free to get started. These vehicles can be used to promote your product and services 24 hrs a day so you can make sales when you are doing other things. Use an email signature advertising your website with every email you send out.
7. Hats, Mugs, Shirts, Ink Pens, Pencils …rulers and more! are also good inexpensive ways to use promotional items to increase company recognition. This helps to create more sales ….just create or go to an event that has a lot of people attending and hand out your promotional items, this will start to make your presence known in your community.
With hard work and staying focused and yes, a little luck you will be on your way to being a successful business owner with strong promotion. Remember, all marketing efforts should match you, your business, and your target market.