Your sales style really does make a difference

I received a telemarketing call this morning. They were trying to help us with “all our copying needs”. From the moment the caller introduced herself, I instinctively knew it was a sales call and quite simply did not want to converse. How did I know it was a sales call? Every word sounded like it was read from a script that she had repeated 1,000 times.
This morning, I knew that I was one of a hundred people that she was to call today and instantly the door was closed to her. If she would have approached the call differently, I might have been more open or apt to listen. The caller lacked that personality that I have come to expect when selecting vendors.
I also knew that I was just a number – like they had pulled names out of hat. She did not have a unique style or niche market – but rather was calling every business in our area. Nothing new in her approach that made me pause.
Too often, we as salespeople, are so accustomed to using the same pitch time after time. We forget that we have personalities that need to come through – whether we are on the phone or greeting our prospects in person. Our personalities enhance our sales and our presentation and we must use that each and every day with each and every prospect that we encounter!