B2B Marketing Trends

B2B marketers need to be ready for what the future holds and must stay on top of B2B marketing trends. Staying on top of B2B marketing trends will keep you at the top of your marketing game. We have created this article to summarize key trends that may be affecting you, your role, and your industry.
Trend number one. Outsourcing of marketing services is on the rise. Many businesses want an expert to handle the unique nuances of specific marketing campaigns, but know that they cannot afford that full time expert. Outsourcing allows you to take advantage of local talent or capitalizes on talent specifically within your niche industry – while keeping costs low.
Trend number two. Businesses are increasingly placing value on US based services. Over the past years, companies are realizing that language barriers sometimes create issues; and thus, they are more likely to seek US based companies that can meet their needs.
Trend number 3. Digital marketing will become increasingly more important – particularly mobile and responsive sites, SSL, and the latest Google formulas and changes. Staying at the top of digital marketing will increase your likely of staying on top with search engines.
Trend number 4. Look for an increase in automation, systems, and processes. As we demand more, our marketing team will need to continue to innovate and automate to meet the demands of management.
Trend number 5. There will be an increase in pay per click ads dependency, but yet decreasing budgets for pay-per-click ads. Marketing companies are moving into greater statistical analysis, so that they can lower their budget while maintain solid return on investments.
Trend number 6. Marketing continues to become more of a science and less of an art. We continue to move towards greater statistical analysis, reviewing the data, and strategically completing A/B testing for increased results.
Trend number 7. Marketing campaigns are increasingly integrated, rather than separate marketing pieces. The days of establishing piecemealing a conglomerate of marketing efforts are over. Now each campaign is integrated with all other marketing efforts. As an example, adword campaigns are fueling your lead generation campaigns, which are fueling your automated newsletter process or your drip campaigns.
Even though b2b marketing Trends are changing, some marketing elements are classic.
Classic number one. Developing relationships is always critical. Marketing spreads the message, but your sales process nurtures and develops those relationships. As always, developing solid relationships with your prospects is key to business growth.
Classic number two. Reputation and branding are everything. From marketing to sales, your entire team needs to understand your reputation and your branding and always respect the importance of building a solid reputation with a positive branding in your industry.
Classic number 3. Careful strategic planning and execution ensure continuity and consistency throughout the ages, even when trends develop. B2B marketing needs to be a solid and continual strategic plan, rather than a series of random steps.
Even through marketing trends often dominate the way in which your marketing team handles your business, your team needs to be fully aware of the unique challenges that are before them, while they visualize the opportunities and challenges before them. They need to be prepared to deal with the complexities in an ever-changing B2B marketing world. Studying the B2B marketing trends allows you to stay on top of the trends and your industry.
For more information about B2B marketing trends and additional information in regards to outsourcing your inside sales and B2B marketing, please reach out to us at 888-443-5247. We are an industry leader in B2B marketing. We have been providing clients with new sales opportunities for the last 18 years.