B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Websites and sales campaigns - Most businesses today have developed an online presence or website to boost their sales. If you have a website, you need to ensure that your website is utilized as an essential tool to increase leads and then ultimately your revenues: First - Determine the purpose of your marketing campaign. Are ...
Selecting a vertical market - A vertical market is an industry of enterprises in which similar products or services are developed and marketed using similar methods that cater specifically to that market. Examples of vertical markets are insurance, real estate, banking, manufacturing, and transportation. How do you decide which market is for you? 1. Do ...
Tips for Successful Sales - Nothing is of greater importance to any business than the selling of its products or services. When it comes to sales practices, people have many different ideas on how things should be handled. Determining which practice works best for you and your industry can enhance your revenue and closing rates. ...
Enhancing your sales success - What motivates sales reps? What can you do to boost your sales team? Sales reps are eager to be the best in the business. They demand attention and like to be recognized for their vigorous efforts. Clients with sales issues face the same challenge every day: How can they motivate ...
How to select a contact list - A contact list is the most important part of any marketing program. Choosing the best direction for your contact list depends on many factors. First – what is your geographical area? Are you trying to stay within a certain mileage from your home base for in-person appointments? Are you ...
Distinguishing your business from the competition - One great way to start distinguishing your business from the competition is to provide great customer service. Provide services to your customers that may be unique to all of the other companies out there. Perhaps you can provide a 24-hour customer service program such as a 24/7 emergency ...
The proverbial staller - Your ideal client is going to be one that says yes to everything you have to offer. Unfortunately, that is not always going to happen in most business sales. You will run into the proverbial staller. The proverbial staller is a prospective client that is going to come up with every ...
Start Your Marketing Campaign with a Bang Successful marketing campaigns are carefully researched; well-thought-out as well as focused on details, and easily executed with precision. Planning a marketing campaign starts with understanding your position in the marketplace and ends with details such as the wording of a script. First, define your product or ...
Trade show tips - Deciding whether to attend a tradeshow is a big decision. Tradeshows bring people together and showcase new and existing technologies and products. There are many benefits to attending a trade show: 1. Networking. This gives you an opportunity to meet and greet people in your industry. This is a once or ...