B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Responses from current team members - Getting past the gatekeeper for successful calls: What tricks do you have up yoursleeve? This is a survey of our current staff members and how they use their years ofexperience with the infamous gatekeepers. Julie: My favorite trick to get past the gatekeeper is to make them my business ...
Voice mail and telemarketing - Leaving a voicemail is not challenging, but leaving one that piques someone’s interest enough to return your call is something entirely different. In B2B telemarketing and cold calling, a strong effective voice mail increases the likelihood of returns calls – which ultimately increases your odds of getting sales leads and qualified ...
Rich Enterprises Inc will be closed on Monday, December 20, 2021, through Friday, December 31, 2021. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, January 3, 2022. The marketing team at Rich Enterprises, Inchttps://www.richworldwide.com/ wishes you peace, joy, and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and business through 2021. We ...
Boosting productivity in sales - It is a hard job to keep sales reps motivated. We all try to stretch hours by squeezing as much time into an 8-hour workday. Our sales reps are very busy and helping them stay on track is a challenge. When Boosting productivity in sales - This is the system ...
Happy Thanksgiving! - What are You Thankful for? During this time of reflection, it is a time-honored tradition to take a moment to think about what we're most thankful for. Clients, potential clients, and our marketing team family are tops on our list! Clients and business relationships like yours have made our business what it ...
Websites and sales campaigns - Most businesses today have developed an online presence or website to boost their sales. If you have a website, you need to ensure that your website is utilized as an essential tool to increase leads and then ultimately your revenues: First - Determine the purpose of your marketing campaign. Are ...
Selecting a vertical market - A vertical market is an industry of enterprises in which similar products or services are developed and marketed using similar methods that cater specifically to that market. Examples of vertical markets are insurance, real estate, banking, manufacturing, and transportation. How do you decide which market is for you? 1. Do ...
Tips for Successful Sales - Nothing is of greater importance to any business than the selling of its products or services. When it comes to sales practices, people have many different ideas on how things should be handled. Determining which practice works best for you and your industry can enhance your revenue and closing rates. ...
Enhancing your sales success - What motivates sales reps? What can you do to boost your sales team? Sales reps are eager to be the best in the business. They demand attention and like to be recognized for their vigorous efforts. Clients with sales issues face the same challenge every day: How can they motivate ...