Does cold calling work?

Does cold calling work?
I have to say yes!
Cold calling is an effective way to gain access to decision-makers and key player executives. Salespeople need to approach cold calling differently — and should use cold calling to cultivate an internal referral and not to initially call the key player. Why not?
A survey of senior executives was conducted to determine under what circumstances they would respond to a contact from an unknown salesperson. Responses showed that eighty percent (80%) of senior executives are unlikely to ever respond to an inbound sales call. Not great odds. Other than golf, not many people enjoy an effort that yields such disappointing results.
The executives surveyed further indicated that the most likely way to gain access to them is a referral from someone inside their own company. Eighty-four percent (84%) will always or usually respond to an internal referral.
Can you use cold calling for other business contacts? Yes. Many contacts that are in the industrial type business conduct business via phone or email.