Coping With Tough Questions

Coping With Tough Questions
We can’t discuss this topic without emphasizing the importance of developing trust with your clients. Trust is one of the main elements in business. When you develop a good relationship with your clients’, communication is easy.
If trust is not established, any communication will be a struggle. We can’t successfully set an appointment or sell our product or service without establishing trust.
Being open, sincere and transparent will make it easier for clients to trust us and believe that we have their best interest at heart.
We all know product knowledge is by far the most important aspect of setting appointments and selling. We should know every thing we can about our product or service. However, there will be times when we are asked questions about what we are selling that we may not know the answers.
Our business relationships will thrive if we are willing to admit there are things we don’t know, and then have a plan for getting the information our clients need.
It is important we also remember questions are most of the time objections.
You should make sure you are listening to what your clients are saying and then respond specifically to each and every concern, request and question. It will also assure your clients that you value them and their perspectives. Here are simple ways to deal with not being able to answer your client’s questions:
- Acknowledge the question by saying that is a good question. I’m glad you asked that question.
- Acknowledge you can’t answer the question by professionally admitting you don’t know the answer.
- Explain how important it is to answer their questions. This will make your client trust you, feel comfortable and special.
- Ask for permission to get back with your client.
- Ask for specific contact information (telephone number, mobile number, email address, etc.)
- Set a specific time and date to get back with your client with an answer. Set the time and date for the same day or no later than the next day.
Make it a practice to do whatever it takes to fulfill your promises. If you consistently meet goals and complete what you start, your clients will trust you and gain confidence in what you do.
Using this simple approach in coping with telemarketing questions you don’t know the answers will build trust and confidence between you and your client.