Does Email Marketing Work?

Email marketing is a great tool if used correctly – Does email marketing work? I use email marketing quite often. My process is to make a round of cold calls and then send a round of emails. Once I have sent the emails out, I will then reach out to the contact within 2 business days to see if they have an interest to hear more about why I am calling. The response rate from a return voicemail or email is better seen from emails since some prospects don’t have time to take a call but can respond to emails via smartphones or PDA’s.
It is best to reach out to a prospect first via phone to acquire the needed information about them. You will not be able to harvest information from an email unless the recipient tells you exactly why they are responding to your email. Talking with someone first will give you the needed permission to email them and not get classified as spam which can have legal repercussions.

There are many services available for businesses that handle email marketing for you such as Constant Contact. They are a newsletter service with minimal cost that allows businesses to “gently” nudge prospects by providing them updates on the company, products, and services as well as current running specials.
Scheduling bi-weekly newsletters or email marketing allows for brand recognition and allows prospects to reach you when ready. We find that with email marketing, you may not get a response today but in 2 months when a prospect needs help, they have easy access to your company with a saved email.
Let us provide your next email or customized marketing program (888) 443-5247 or or here is our Online Calendar – Schedule time to talk