Outsourcing Inbound Calls

Outsourcing Inbound Calls
Many businesses are opting to outsource their inbound business calls. This allows business to reduce their in-house staff, minimize overhead, and increase efficiency in responding quicker to incoming calls.
Incoming commercial calling campaigns can be combined with outbound telemarketing campaigns and can use the same team for both. Most businesses can optimize the productivity of sales, marketing, and support personnel by allowing them to blend their outbound calling with inbound calls.
Combination marketing programs allow Companies to focus on their core business without having to be in the office to do the grind work.
What is an ideal response time to follow-up with calls for in bound calling?
Email-Businesses should be able to respond to clients via email almost immediately. This should be within the hour if you are using an inbound sales company that handles this type of work for you.
Maximum response time should be 2 hours during business hours and 48 hours for a weekend email.
Voicemail response time- If a customer leaves a voicemail for a business, they are in the market for a product or service that is being offered.
The response time should be a guaranteed time of 4 hours return call unless this falls on a weekend and then the 48 hour rule of thumb would come in to play.
Here are a few services that can be provided by a well-qualified outsourcing firm:
• Call routing
• Call scheduling
• Email support
• Web chat/Instant messaging
• Lead generation/Appointment setting
The list of services that can be offered by a telemarketing firm are endless. Most firms are offering customized services to fill your everyday business needs.
Allowing a call center company to handle the core business processes and managerial responsibilities will free up needed time to focus on outside sales and bringing in those hard to reach accounts.
This new avenue for boosting the sales pipeline brings light to an ever-tightening economy.