Soft selling in sales and telemarketing

Soft selling in sales and telemarketing – What is the difference between hard sales and soft selling? In traditional sales (hard sales), you will get to the point of the conversation, and push your product or service with an “I am not taking no” for an answer approach.
With soft sales, you are taking a more persuasive approach. You will need to take the time to learn what the customer needs, what they are budgeted for and what they feel would be an asset to their company.
Soft selling is simply developing a customer service rapport first and then selling your product or service second. This gives creditability to the marketer by letting the customer know their needs/interests come first. Soft selling is often more effective for cold calling and telemarketing.
Hard sales is really considered an “old school” way of getting sales. In today’s fast-paced society, we have to figure out ways of increasing revenue without using a strong-arm approach.
Soft selling in sales and telemarketing – Rich Enterprises Inc provides marketing services for Commercial businesses that want to build their business. We work with businesses that are looking to grow or increase brand awareness and fill that long-term sales pipeline for continual growth.
Our marketing packages are customized for every business. We know that many businesses are in like industries but are not the same. In order for businesses to stand out in sales, they need to showcase their unique offerings. We know that a “cookie-cutter” approach does not work for sales. One size truly does not fit all.
Our marketing packages can include:
- Contact list based on SIC codes and Geographical data (counties and cities)
- Goals of the program
- Objections and appropriate rebuttals
- Sample call script
- Sample voicemail script
- Sample appointment/lead confirmation script
- Sample email script
Please visit our website for more information!

Soft selling in sales and telemarketing