The Best Scheduling Tools for Salespeople

Every salesperson wishes they had more hours in the day to complete necessary tasks. Time management tools are especially important for salespeople who often find themselves performing many different jobs during the course of the day. Using appropriate scheduling tools will help you increase your follow-through and will result in stronger lead conversion rates.Best Tools to Help with the Day-to-Day Sales ProcessDaily PlannersThe daily planner aids salespeople in planning their day with appointments, contact information including email addresses and phone numbers as well as projects for the month. Planners are easily transported so you can be ready to take notes at a moment’s notice.PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)PDAs are handheld computers that can do everything from calculating to send and receive emails. They are a great portable tool for the busy on-the-go salesperson that needs to stay in touch with clients and staff. They can also be integrated with software applications for better planning.SoftwareSoftware programs can assist with strategic business planning, tasks, budgets, and performance goals. Software programs such as the ACT, Goldmine, and Salesforce are just a few of the brands that assist with contact management.They offer bells and whistles that have alarms to ring daily/monthly, offering daily/monthly task calendars that keep you informed of daily/monthly projects and meetings. Unfortunately, they are not easily transported so you may need to supplement them with other tools to increase your effectiveness. SmartphonesSmartphones are the latest and greatest tool to stay informed and in close contact with sales prospects. Smartphones can integrate with CRM applications such as Goldmine, Salesforce, ACT, and applications such as Google Calendar. Smartphones can also assist with GPS and directions.There are many useful tools to keep you informed and on schedule. Finding which tools work best for your business will be the key to your overall sales success. Get Started With Rich EnterprisesRich Enterprises uses ACT for our marketing efforts and provides customized marketing programs for appointment setting, lead generation, and cold calling. Our programs consist of 10 to 100 hours of calling time per week. Could you use help with acquiring new business?You can learn more about outsourcing your B2B sales by calling us at (888) 443-5247 or contacting us online. |