Top Three Cold Calling Objections

Top Three Cold Calling Objections
This article is part 1 of 3. Each article will feature a common objection that is encountered when cold calling and will describe a few methods to overcome that objection.
Objection: We do all work in house or we would never outsource that.
It is quite common to hear that companies provide their own services in-house or have someone in-house that manages their services.
In order to overcome this common objection, companies need to be provided information that shows it will be more cost effective and efficient for them to outsource services.
Some companies are aware of that they want or need the service, but budgeting plays a major role in their decision not to seek outside help. Companies in this position rarely want to take the time to meet with anyone assuming the service is not affordable.
To get your foot in the door and secure the meeting, you will likely need to provide a price range for services or offer a special. Once they believe the service is within their budget they will be more than willing to speak further.
Other companies have the budget and a capable staff and believe it is better to handle the services in-house. These companies need to see how they can better utilize their current staff and how they can save time and resources by allowing you to work with their current staff.
Show the benefit of your services by presenting your experience, knowledge and expertise in their industry. Provide references of current clients in their industry. If a prospect can relate with other clients, they will be more willing to consider outsourcing.
Helping potential clients see the added value of outsourcing services is all up to you. Let us assist with your next marketing program. We provide a program outline with all our marketing packages. The program outline will provide a script, marketing direction, and common objections and how to overcome.
Tradeshow tips-how to incorporate a successful tradeshow into a telemarketing campaign.
Every business has an idea of what they consider to be a successful tradeshow- There are three components to effective trade show marketing — pre-show, at-show and post-show. Without the post-show (follow-up) component, the marketing strategy is not complete and often the sale is not made.
Follow-up is the most crucial part of the trade show marketing equation. True trade show success is not measured by the number of catalogs handed out or the number of business cards collected-It’s the sales generated from the leads made at the trade show that make your participation in the show successful.
Pre-show-you will need to decide what is going to boost your attendance. Send a pre-tradeshow flyer letting all perspective clients know who, what and where of the show. This will jump start your campaign. Decide if you will handle the leads in house or outsource to a telemarketing firm.
At-show– Decide what you would consider to be a qualified lead and have your staff accept business cards from future clients that meet all of your criteria. It is not financially beneficial to your campaign to accept 900 business cards and have only 45 of them turn into leads. That is only a 5% ROI (return on investment). Have your staff put together packets for immediate mail out for hot prospects and list them as number one on your calling list.
Post show– Take the most qualified buyers that attended the tradeshow and add them to a telemarketing call list. Clean up your calling list. A clean list is crucial to a cost-effective telemarketing program. Once list quality is assured, groups of prospects can be ranked according to interest. All prospects should be contacted within 1-2 weeks of the tradeshow. Companies need to move promptly and efficiently while the prospect’s memory is fresh.
Follow-up is the key to success of any telemarketing program. Time, effort and work involved from start to finish with a tradeshow is completely without merit if the final stage is incomplete. Handling of requests for additional information will show potential clients you value their time and provide quality customer service.
Finally– Close those sales. When it is all over, evaluate your success. Did you meet your goals? Were you able to reach the right prospects? What can I do next time to change my return? Brainstorm for next year while everything is fresh in your mind.