B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Using SIC / NAICS codes for Contact Lists - SIC and NAICS can be used as criteria for a contact list. Both codes are helpful in identifying and locating prospects based upon the type of business (manufacturing, school, attorneys, auto mechanics, etc. What is the difference between SIC and NAICS? The (SIC) Standard Industrial Classification ...
Gatekeeper Tactics for Greatest Success - All salespeople have experience working with the “infamous gatekeeper”. What is a gatekeeper? The definition of a gatekeeper is: a person in charge of a gate, usually to identify, count, supervise, etc., the traffic or flow through it. What is the role of the gatekeeper? All gatekeepers do not ...
Dealing with Difficult Questions for Sales - In sales, you will hear objections or specific questions from prospects. With sales experience, most of the questions and objections will be a response that you have heard before, but some answers will be new and you may not be prepared to immediately respond. All sales reps encounter ...
Broad Targets with a Specialty Niche - Upon inception, all businesses determine their business offerings and their target market. Once the basic business foundation is in place, you should develop a special niche within that market. For example, if you are Landscaping services, determine what aspect of the industry you are offering, who you are ...
Top Ten Best Practices for Engaged Agents - Every telemarketing company will have a list of the top business practices that work for them. Here are a few that make our list: 1. Continual Training: Keeping your techniques new and fresh will help even the most seasoned sales professional keep up with the latest and ...
Brainstorming to Overcome Road Blocks - When making sales calls, you may sometimes feel that you’re not getting anywhere or at a roadblock. One of the best ways I find to overcome a roadblock is to really sit back and evaluate the situation. Some of the questions you may want to ask are: Do I ...
Best Email Subject Lines - How important is an email subject line? The heading of an email or the subject line is often overlooked and thought to be the least important part of an email but keep in mind that the heading is the first thing a prospect sees and is the key to being ...
Direct Mail Effectiveness Techniques – Using effective direct mail techniques with direct mail campaigns are still meaningful and cost-effective tools to target your customers and prospective clients. Direct mail pieces of different types can be used to reach your audience. However, your campaign will be most effective when you match your direct mail piece to ...
Brevity is key! - Have you ever heard the saying “short and sweet?” That is truly the case in sales and telemarketing. When a contact answers the call, you have about 10 seconds to either pique their interest or to hear an objection. Brevity is the answer. Prepare your pitch before you make the cold ...