B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Importance of a sales pipeline -For every new client, there are specific stages or phases that need to be taken. A typical sales pipeline might include the following phases: Lead identified – There is an initial conversation or point of contact. The company indicated they are interested by requesting information through your website or contacts ...
Rich Enterprises Inc will be closed on Monday December 21, 2020 through Monday January 4, 2021. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday January 5, 2021. The marketing team at Rich Enterprises, Inc wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year. Thank you for your continued support and business through covid 19 ...
Effective Use of Marketing Collateral Every business should have a collection of marketing collateral pieces to represent their products and services. These pieces might include brochures, data sheets with an overview of your product or service features and white papers of a technical nature showing why your products or services are useful to your ...
A good salesman gets kicked out of 3 places each day -When I was in college, I tried to start my first business; but quickly realized that sales is a tough game. After days of making new contacts (in person and over the phone), I was disheartened and disappointed with the lack of results. When I turned to my dad ...
So much to do – so little time! Organization is key -As a business owner, I certainly keep busy. For me, organization is the key to my success. Remembering upcoming conference calls and making sales follow up calls can seem overwhelming at times. But a strong CRM software makes it much easier to manage my schedule ...
The Importance of Sales Niches Most companies, whether big or small, direct their marketing to select niche audiences. Even the country's largest manufacturers target carefully pinpointed market segments to maximize the effectiveness of their programs and often tackle different niches for each product group. Niche marketing can be extremely cost-effective. For instance, imagine ...
Persistent closing - The ultimate goal in sales is the final step-closing the sale or sealing the deal. What is your process? Are you persistent with your prospect or do you offer solutions that make your product or service one the contact just cannot live without? Be prepared for your sales process with Persistent closing ...
B2B Privacy Issues in the B2B World As the trend for outsourcing marketing activities continues, there have been increasing demands and concerns for privacy and related control since the traditional approach of transmission of private information is not applicable. Commercial companies will have to go to extra lengths to make sure the information transferred to ...
Grab attention with email marketing - Many companies get a better response from marketing via email but what can you do to boost replies? When using email marketing, grab your prospects attention from their in box by using short, unique subject lines. Subject lines are the first thing that a prospect sees in their email. ...