B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
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Cold calling tips -Cold calling is not about making the sale. It is about getting the chance to make the sale. The purpose of the cold call is to set an appointment to make a pitch to sell. Make sure you have the right audience when making cold calls. Find out as much information about ...
Top 3 Cold Calling Objectives Every sales person knows that along with sales comes objections. How we handle the objections can make or break a sale. What are the top 3 cold calling objections in sales? 1. We do all work in house or we would never outsource that. It is quite ...
When you get a telemarketing call on your personal phone, you’re likely to ignore it or hang up. So why is B2B telemarketing so successful? The key difference is that B2B telemarketing takes a very different approach than the callers who want you to open up a new credit card or buy vinyl windows for ...
Why Outsource Your Telemarketing - Some of the greatest advantages of outsourcing telemarketing services is that these types of companies specialize in their industry type with acquired skills and experience. Outsourcing telemarketing can prove to be an incredible way to produce prospects that turn into successful sales with huge revenue increases for companies. In today’s ...
Virtual Trade Show Tips and Telemarketing Every business has an idea of what they consider to be a successful in person or virtual tradeshow - There are three components to effective trade show marketing — pre-show, at-show and post-show. Without the post-show (follow-up) component, the marketing strategy is not complete and often the sale ...
The truth about B2B cold calling - Cold calling works- when done right. You may not want to do it and you may not want to hear it, but that’s the way it is. Most of the time, it is not the industry or the product; it is the salesperson and the sales system that ...
2020 is half way over and in full swing for most Companies. Let’s find ways to either improve or maintain your current marketing initiatives. Zero in on the number of clients that you obtained through each promotional campaign from past efforts. The goal is to determine the effectiveness of each campaign overall and its conversion ...
Helping Hesitant Prospects -If you feel like you have to push a prospect through the sales process, then you need to stop and find out why they don’t want to buy, not what you have to do to close. The more you push the more you will push away the sale. Sincerely listen to your ...