B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Becoming a sales superstar High achievers in sales work smarter. The superstars use both their logical left brain hemisphere and their creative and intuitive right brain to think with. When you learn to use two brains instead of one, you will start doing things that would have been called miracles back when you were using ...
Email marketing is a great tool if used correctly - Does email marketing work? I use email marketing quite often. My process is to make a round of cold calls and then send a round of emails. Once I have sent the emails out, I will then reach out to the contact within 2 business ...
We all have those prospects that we have contacted multiple times but no sale has ever been made. We like to call them our “exhausted” contacts or records. What can you do to rejuvenate old prospects? Start a newsletter. Use your acquired email addresses for a bi-monthly newsletter. Newsletters are a great way to continually ...
Cold Calling Perspectives - Have you ever noticed that with sales, negativity breeds negativity? The most successful sales people try to institute a positive attitude within their organization. Negativity within the work place costs in terms of sales and revenues. Take action to ensure a positive workplace by setting daily motivation goals for yourself as ...
Which is best for you? Although many companies find that outsourcing their lead generation function to a professional B2B telemarketing firm is more efficient and effective, some companies prefer to utilize in-house resources, and own the process themselves. What is best for your business – In-house or Outsourcing? At the same time, while in-house lead ...
How often does a telemarketer call you talking so fast he or she won't let you get a word in edgewise? What is your reaction? Most of us hang up because the caller sounds like a recording and we immediately label the caller as a telemarketer that is calling to sell something. If you call ...
As entrepreneurs, you may be familiar with nurturing warm leads. In many experiences, an initial cold call can pose as a challenging feat; therefore, getting past the cold call would open the door for the next best type of prospect, the “Warm Lead.” A warm lead is what most business people dream of getting so ...
Planning a marketing project is a time-consuming project and one that would require a trial period for testing telemarketing services. Rich Enterprises offers two trial or pilot programs. Each pilot has a set number of weekly hours but some have longer program terms. We suggest to our clients that we start their program with a ...
Incorporating Competitive Analysis Results into your Next marketing Campaign Once you have completed a competitor analysis, use the information you have acquired about your competitors to highlight your company's advantages into a telemarketing program. First - List all of the advantages and specialties your company has to offer into your sales script. Presently ...