B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Excellence is not an event - You are what you repeatedly do. Excellence is not an event – it is a habit. (Aristotle) I stumbled upon this quotation today. After reading it, I stopped for a moment to ponder this quote in relationship to our sales, business, and cold calling activities. When you have been ...
Cold calling qualifications - Cold calling can be a very tough job, but as they say “Someone has to do it”. But you should want the most qualified someone. Below are just a few of the skills that we look for in our cold calling team: Years of experience – Each member of our team ...
Age and Sales Calls - Have you ever heard the saying” You cannot teach an old dog new tricks?” Since I manage a team of marketing professionals, I see many different working styles. I work with a team of marketers that are between the ages of 35-75. The seasoned generation of marketers have their way ...
Surround yourself with good people - Surrounding yourself with good people is key to business growth. As a business grows, the number of people within the company increases, but more importantly; the skill set of those people within the company should improve to meet the evolving demands of customers and the company as a whole. ...
Every sales person has their own style when it comes to sales. What works for some people may not work for others. Here are a few motivational tips that I like to use: Trust your instincts - Use your intuition when it comes to sales. When you are internally directed, you have the confidence ...
Staying Focused - The hardest part of a salesperson’s day can be keeping an eye on the prize or staying focused. We all have a time during the day where the distractions keep us from getting our work done. What can we do to minimize distractions and stay focused? Here are a few tips: Organization. ...
Planning a marketing project is a time-consuming project but one well worth the effort. Rich Enterprises offers two trial or pilot programs. Each pilot has a set number of weekly hours but some have longer program terms. We suggest to our clients that we start their program with a trial period or pilot program to ...
All sales people make mistakes while making that dreaded cold call. Here are my top 5 that I encounter as a Program Manager: Fly by – Many marketers are in such a hurry to make the call and get on to the nextcall that they fail to take time talking with the prospect. The call ...
What is more productive - cold calls or warm calls? - This topic is something where everyone has their own opinion. In a recent sales meeting, we discovered one of our marketing professionals felt that cold calls are more productive and more effective. Is this true? Does everyone feel this way? In our line ...