B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
How Important is a Sales Script? A sales script is essential for one reason- to reach goals (a sale, an appointment, or interest). We use sales scripts to keep us on track with our conversations and to provide talking points or remind us of qualifying questions. Sometimes when we are talking with a prospect, the ...
Outsourcing your inside sales team is a way to take advantage of a concentrated sales group while freeing your team to focus on other priorities. An inside sales team can generate and nurture leads, growing your business. However, locating and arranging a partnership with an outsourced sales team provides a set of challenges you should ...
There are several factors involved in developing a marketing program. One of the first items you will need to address is to determine what criteria will be used when establishing your telemarketing contact list. The contact list is critical to a successful campaign because it will provide you with viable prospects. But who provides the ...
Find out what questions you should be asking your B2B lead generation company.
Every salesperson wishes they had more hours in the day to complete necessary tasks. Time management tools are especially important for salespeople who often find themselves performing many different jobs during the course of the day. Using appropriate scheduling tools will help you increase your follow-through and will result in stronger lead conversion rates. Best Tools ...
Advance Preparation for sales meetings - We must always be fully prepared for sales meetings and conference calls, but sometimes we wait until the last minute. Having key talking points at the forefront of your mind and notes is key, but waiting until the last minute can cause chaos. Unexpected problems can arise just before ...
Stress in sales - If someone tells you that if you love your job/business, there will be no stress then perhaps they are not being honest. If your career is in the sales world, you encounter daily stresses that might involve deadlines, quotas, and dealing with people. Since sales involves ups and downs (feast or ...
Managing people is a delicate balancing act - Managing sales people or sales representatives is a difficult balancing act. You need to be in constant contact with them to know where their bids or proposals are heading and need to be ready to provide support and direction if they should need help. On the other ...
In-house or Outsourcing Your Campaign - Which is best for you? Although many companies find that outsourcing their lead generation function to a professional B2B telemarketing firm is more efficient and effective, some companies prefer to utilize in-house resources and own the process themselves. At the same time, while in-house lead generation can ...