B2B Lead Generation
Training, Tips, Tools & Resources
Generate sales leads, customers, and revenue.
Sealing the Deal -How to Increase your closing rates once you have received your leads. Let’s talk about how to increase your closing rates (Sealing the Deal) once you have received your leads or appointments. First, set a goal before you begin your close. Ask yourself, what exactly do I want from this person? Do ...
Most sales careers require continual training. They say you cannot teach an "old dog new tricks". This statement is not true in sales. Continual training keeps even the most seasoned marketer on top of their game. Networking with people of like careers give you inside information to what works for others. Here are other ways ...
Learn what you can do to keep your sales pipeline full during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to Increase your closing rates once you have received your leads - Starting Your Marketing Campaign with a Bang. Let’s talk about how to increase your closing rates once you have received your leads or appointments. First, set a goal before you begin your close. Ask yourself, what exactly do I want from this ...
Learn how COVID-19 is impacting B2B lead generation.
Every marketing program starts out with a plan. The plan will have an objective or predetermined goal that will gauge the success rate of the marketing campaign. What can you do to ensure a successful marketing campaign? Here are 5 rules for telemarketing campaign success:1. Planning - Careful planning will guide your program from start ...
Top 5 Sales Tips for Long Term Business Growth - Every sales person makes mistakes from time to time and needs tips to increase revenue and build their sales pipeline. Here are are my top five sales tips for long term business growth: 1. Preparation. Do your homework before making sales calls. Know your product or ...
Rejuvenating Dead Leads to Boost Sales - Over the course of your business span, you will generate many leads that turn to sales and some with other outcomes, such as referrals, future callbacks, or even dead leads. Many of the leads that are acquired can become dormant and stifled in your system and may need ...
Benefits of B2B Newsletters -Newsletters are an effective tool for businesses and provide company name recognition to prospects. Focus your newsletters on specific industries for new business development. When marketing your newsletter, use email or a newsletter sending service for mass marketing. Newsletters are an in- expensive, cost effective, powerful marketing tool for businesses. Here ...